Ideas for the Neighborhood?

Do you have ideas about what you'd like to see implemented in the neighborhood? There are several ways that you can get involved. 

From the comfort of your computer: 

  • We have added surveys to this site and the neighborhood newsletters through which neighbors can express their opinion. 
  • We are accepting nominations for anyone who you believe deserves the Yard of the Quarter award. 
  • Feel free to email any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas that you might have to the Homeowners Association at [email protected]). The more we know about what everyone in the neighborhood would like, the easier it will be to make it happen. 

Beyond your computer: 

  • Attend an HOA meeting. The HOA holds five meetings each year. Four of these meetings are Board of Directors meeting and one is an annual meeting held in January of each year, which we vote on issues advertised in advance. All meetings are open to anyone in the neighborhood. The dates and locations of each meeting are advertised on the HOA calendar and in the neighborhood newsletter. 
  • Volunteer to help. Each year, there are new nominations for neighborhood committees and elections for Board members.